THE LINK takes your privacy very seriously. We will only use submitted information to contact you, and we will never sell or share your information with any other party without your written consent.
THE LINK creates statistical reports that include aggregate data regarding our website visitor traffic. Our reports are used for various purposes, including improving our site. However, no information by which any individual visitor could be identified is part of the data utilized to generate reports.
Some of the features on this website require registration with THE LINK before access is granted. Once access is granted, you will be issued a username and password. You should safeguard your password and not make it available to any other persons whom you do not authorize as your agent. You may not sell, resell, assign, or transfer your access rights. It is our policy to grant access to anyone using your password in conjunction with your username and to treat anyone using your username and password as your agent for all purposes. You should notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of such password.